Month: September 2018

Bowl Kitchen

Bowl Kitchen is a spot in Santa Monica that I’ve been frequenting quite a bit recently because of how close it is to my bfs place.

bowl kitchen outside.jpg

View from outside. Taken from Yelp.

The space for this place is AWESOME. Their back patio is seriously so cute with little string lights going across the top, etc. I feel like they need to take advantage of the space more because there aren’t many areas nearby that have it!


Super cute patio! Photo taken from Yelp.


I have mixed feelings about the pho here because it honestly does not taste like what I consider a typical pho. The first time I had it, I had my regular pho thai and was not a fan. Howeverrrrrr, the next time I came I was in the midst of a 1-month challenge to be vegetarian so I ordered the veggie pho and WOW it was a huge difference. Still not your typical pho, but for some reason the veggie is so much better than the beef! They load it with a lot of yummy things and their tofu is firm, which I prefer much more to the flubbery kind you get at other places.

veggie pho bowl kitchen

Sooo much yummy stuff in their veggie pho. Photo taken from Yelp.

Now anytime I get pho from here I stick with the veggie even though I’m (thankfully) no longer doing my attempt at vegetarianism. So yes, I would recommend this place!

Also, they have THE best Bahn Mi’s here. Seriously. Try the spicy pork one with a fried egg on top… amazing.

Goodbye Pho Now,
