Month: August 2015

5: 9021PHO

Good news everyone, I’m alive!!

Apologies for not posting in eons, this whole working and being an adult thing is much more time consuming than I expected. But fear not, my pho addiction has not been stunted! 3 months ago (wow I need to get on top of my posting) I finally visited the beautifully named 9021PHO. There are a few locations but I visited the one in Beverly Hills, it felt like the right thing to do. I also dragged along my two friends Rory and Bryce. I later found out during the meal that Bryce had just spent time in Vietnam and got to have pho every day from breakfast. Like full on legit, straight from the motherland, pho. He should probably be writing this blog, not me. Alternatively, does someone want to pay for my ticket to Vietnam? No? Okay.

9021PHO Outside

Anyways, the menu is your standard Pho menu … with the exception of a “low carb” pho option. So very Beverly Hills.

9021PHO Menu

I of course got the Pho Tai, which wasn’t technically on the menu but it’s a staple so it wasn’t hard to get it.

9021PHO pho

I must say, out of every pho I’ve gotten this was definitely my favorite. There was something about the broth that was so amazing and the ratio of meat to noodle was perfect. I know it sounds silly but it really does make a difference!


Basically, you should all go. And tell me. So I can go with you. K thanks.

EDIT 02/18/2016:

I went back here last week and was incredibly disappointed. This time around, the broth was so overly doused in cinnamon that I couldn’t taste any of the delicious savoryness that I had loved so much about it the first time. No idea how it could have been such a different experience from my first time going, but I’m not sure I’ll be going back considering how many other great pho places there are.

Goodbye Pho Now,
